SCRIPT WRITING劇本寫作 (By Drew Tseng)

No Good Script, no hope of winning!


  1. Original scripts are more popular.

Try to produce original ones based life experiences. If you want to adapt an old play, there must be something original and new in it.

II. How to Write a Good Script

(1) Theme. A good play has a point to make. There must be a (meaningful or interesting) theme that connects the whole play.

要有一個中心思想貫串全劇, 想想和你生活經驗相關的事

(2) Conflict. You need conflict to move a play forward. One character must want something and have trouble getting it. Without conflict, you don’t have an intriguing good plot.

每齣好劇都有一個很有趣的衝突,不管是主角內心的衝突或是困境, 還是主角和別人的衝突, 重點看主角如何解決這個衝突

(3) Protagonists. Whose story is it? Who drives the action forward? Which characters’ needs and decisions determine the direction of the play? What are their personalities? Does he or she have a weakness? How does his or her personality influence the protagonist’s decisions and action?

刻畫主角很重要, 要具體化這個人物, 個性?星座?怪癖? 他個性有沒有像你生活中觀察到的某些人? 他們有性格的特點嗎? 這些性格的特點會讓他做出什麼樣的決定和行為?

(4) Good Dialogue. Make sure the dialogue sounds natural, not stilted. Characters should say things for good reasons – not just to convey information to the audience. Each character should sound different from the others.

要寫出好的對白,要了解人物的個性和故事的中心思想, 其他不相干的資訊不用寫出來, 才會此整劇結構完整, 同時對話必須自然並且根據每個角色的個性而有不同的改變

(5) Few Changes of Settings and Scenes. For a 15-minute playlet, you are advised to change as few settings and scenes as possible because changing settings and scenes is a waste of time and reduces the tension of the play.

以一個十五分鐘的小短劇來說, 最好不要一直換幕, 因為這樣會浪費時間並且讓整齣劇的張力無法累積到最高點

(6) Mojo! Write a charming play with a humorous dialogue, an intriguing plot and engaging people. You can also create a magical place or an unbelievable story.

有爆點和吸引力, 一個很創新的構思和有趣的劇情會讓整齣劇贏在起跑點, 發揮你的想像力!

  1. TITLE:
  2. THEME:
  5. PLOT: