
Teaching Writing Through Online Forum

Drew Tseng 1/4/10


Goals: To have students exchange ideas in English and to improve students’ writing skill


To do: (80% +)

  1. Post one paragraph containing over 120 words.
  2. Respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts

or open a new topic relevant to your life.

For extra points (+5%)

1.   Correct grammatical or spelling mistakes in others’ posts.

Attention! No later than 11:00 p.m.


  1. Textbook-related topics

(1) Q: How globalized is Taiwan?

Hey guys! In lesson 7, the author illustrates how globalized his life is by offering a lot of examples of his close association with things from countries around the world. What about your life? In what ways you life has become globalized? Do you think Taiwan is a highly globalized country?

Personally, I think Taiwan is not so much globalized as “Americanized.” I grew up watching American movies and learning about American culture and values from TV and the Internet. I believe in democracy and the American Dream. I listen to American songs and watch their musicals. I didn’t know a lot about other countries and cultures until I went to college and abroad. However, Taiwan is indeed becoming more globalized than before, which provides us with more access to different people, pastimes and food around the world (especially the food!). What do you think?

Student’s Post: I believed that Taiwan is more Americanized than globalized! As mentioned by the paragraph, our teacher watched “American" movies and listened to “American" songs. She believes in the “American" dreams. Beyonce, Pink, Lady Gaga, the Backstreet Boys, Miley Cyrus, etc etc etc, we all know these people. But does any one of us know who the president of Germany is? What about how many counties are there in Britain? Is Ireland a part of England or not? Where are the penguins, on the North or South Pole?! But we all know that Barack Obama is the current president of the United States, and there are fifty states in America. To the north is Canada, and to

the South is Mexico.

We use products from all over the world, but all we know is that most things are made in China and the origin of some companies. (The latter, we were force-fed in class.) We know that McDonalds is from America but do you know where Carrefour is from? RT-Mart?

Granted, the States influences the whole world, but being globalized means GLOBAL, not the-most-influential-country-on-the-globe-ilized.(183)

(2)   Q: Why save the endangered species?

The mission of WWF is to “halt and reverse the destruction of our environment.” Does this make any sense to you? Do you think it is meaningful or a waste of effort and money to save the endangered species?

I think it’s vital to save the endangered species, most of which hold the key to who we are, our health and our future. Human beings need these species to discover the secret to life and human traits. For instance, through the study of the apes and plants, Charles Darwin was able to discover the pattern of evolution based on natural selection, and the fact that human beings were developed from apes. Every species is invaluable in term of unveiling the mystery of life and existence on earth: why are we what we are today? What happened in our past? In what ways have we changed over time? Moreover, a lot of plants and animals provide cure for diseases. In fact, according to experts, almost half of all prescriptions written are from the natural compounds of different species. In sum, these species not only save lives, but might provide inspiration for scientists to answer questions about our existence and tackle medical problems ahead. It’s extremely important to halt and reverse the destruction of the species on the verge of extinction!

Student’s post: For numerous years, all kinds of animals have come and gone. The more adaptable ones survive, and the less gets eliminated. All animals are a part of this complicated network, and if one extincts, it will sure have a huge impact on the other animals in the complex food chain. A study suggests that a disappearing species can affect 30 other creatures, including insects, higher animals, and even other plants. The full significance of an extinction is not always apparent, and the long-term influences are unpredictable, it may lead to the extinction of other animals also. Therefore, the importance of wildlife protection cannot be overemphasized. We have to try our best to avoid the deterioration of animal extinction so as to have a sustainable environment.

  1. Other Topics

Q: New Year’s Resolutions

Dear class, happy New Year!

A New Year’s resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit, often a lifestyle change. Some popular goals include improving health and improving self (such as be more organized and manage time better) But research shows that while 52% of participants in a resolution study were confident of success with their goals, only 12% actually achieved their goals. The low success rate often resulted from setting the goals. Instead of saying “I want to lose weight,” we should probably set small measureable goals which you can achieve step by step throughout the year. After all, haste makes waste. Small and steady wins the race!

Now, write about your New Year’s resolutions for 2010 and how you can make sure they will be achieved! May your dreams come true! You can write the following examples!

1.      In 2010, I am going to read at least five good books.

2.      I will try to be more helpful to my parents by doing more housework in 2010.

3.      In order to help save the environment, my resolution is to walk more often, and recycle as much as possible.

4.      This year, I resolve to eat fast food no more than twice per month.

5.      My 2010 resolution is to be as honest and caring as possible.

Student’s post: Last year, I had written 10  New Year’s resolutions, surprisingly, I achieved 8 of them.(Actually, I forgot I had written my goals on 1/1 for the whole 2009. To my surprise, I found them on a small notebook yesterday and I achieved most of them unwittingly. )In 2010, I want to achieve these goals,

1. Stop complaining! I found that I complain about things which I don’t like most of the time. However, It doesn’t make things turn better.  This year, I will do my best to control myself to stop complaining. It surely will let people around me feel more comfortable, too!

2.Read as many books as I can There are so many great books in the wold! It is a pity that I didn’t use my time well so that I didn’t read enough books last year. This year, I wish I can have time to read 10 books in winter vacation. And, I want to read at least one book each month.

3.Get up early I wish I have good selfcontrol so that I can get up at 5:00 everyday no matter how cold outside my bed is. If I can achieve that, I will have more time to study.

  1. Students’ topics

(1)   Omegle: Hey guys~ This lesson is talking about globalization, so I want to introduce a website to you. This website is called “Omegle”. What you have to do is to link the site, click the “Start a chat” button, and then the system will pick another person at random to chat with you. You can say whatever you want to say. If that person make you feel uncomfortable, just disconnect! It’s a interesting way to practice English.

Take myself for example, I have chatted with a Korean! We found we both use this website for English practicing, and talked about the stars we both know, like 東方神起 and 飛輪海, though we don’t really like these two groups (haha!). Give it a try! Maybe you’ll be fond of it!

(2)   Taiwan up: Foreigners are curious about " Taiwan up “. most of them don’t know what it means. how do u think about it?  let’s figure out some slogan for Taiwan.

Follow-Up: handout with good posts and erroneous sentences to be corrected!




期末分享 1/3/100           看圖說故事小組寫作和互評活動


報告人: 曾巧嫺


  1. 學生看圖說故事進步空間有限
  2. 大考中心提供的評分標準不是很具體

※ 大考中心公佈 優等的作品的標準

內容 組織 文法、句構 字彙、拼字 體例
重點分明,有開頭、發展、結尾,前後連貫,轉承語使用得當。(5-4分) 全文幾無文法錯誤,文句結構富變化。



Time: two periods


  1. 分組: 事先把學生分成八組 (如果此活動要算一個成績,可參考模考非選部分成績,每組安插一位高分的同學。)
  2. 提醒準時和禁止飲食: 提醒學生準時到,遲到組要扣分,而且群組教室禁止飲食。
  3. 開機: 分組坐好後,請同學們開機,滑鼠和鍵盤的power也打開,預告等下要分組寫一篇看圖說故事文章。老師開機密碼
  4. 講解評分標準: 用螢幕廣播新的評分標準,一項一項解釋,期待他們等會兒在自己的文章裡要做到這些標準,並介紹一些線上字典和GOOGLE查搭配字的方法,鼓勵學生多利用。
  5. 時間: 發圖,開始寫,跟學生預告下課鐘響(大約40分鐘後)就要繳交作文。
  6. 文法拼字檢查關閉: 學生在討論圖,未開始寫之前,老師要去每組電腦打開WORD,在[工具]選項中,把[文法和拼字檢查]功能關掉。
  7. 時間管控: 每組在寫作文的時候,老師要不斷地去各組提醒時間,催促他們趕快把作文寫完再來雕琢文字。
  8. 繳交作業: 學生寫完之後,請他們按電腦上方的繳交作業給老師,以繳交的組就可以下課,老師會在右下方電腦看到,學生繳交作業狀況,如果要找學生傳來的檔案,可以按桌面的FILES。
  9. 各組分享: 老師再度利用螢幕廣播,從第一組開始,請各組同學唸出他們的文章,在他們唸的時候,各組要仔細看他們有沒有文法或是拼字錯誤。

10. 大家來找碴: 每組分享完之後,各組開始搶答,找出文章中的錯誤,有講對的組可以加一分,老師可以在錯誤的地方反白或是標顏色,以便等下計算錯誤數量。

11. 互評猜分數: 搶答完之後,我給每組一分鐘時間,快速用新的評分標準幫那組打分數,如果打的分數和老師打的分數加減在一分以內,該組就可以加一分。老師也講解一下她打分數的理由,這組在哪些方面做的很好,哪些方面可以再加強。

12. 打總成績: 在每組分享完之後,每組要繳交自己的總成績,把自己作文的成績,加上搶答和猜分數的總分,計算好繳交給老師,拿來評別組的互評表也每個人帶回去一張,以供自己寫作文參考。

13. 關機: 最後提醒同學們一定要徹底關機,螢幕、滑鼠、鍵盤的power也要關掉。

14. 公佈佳作: 老師可以把同學們的作品都收集起來,錯誤改過之後,再公佈給全班。









Acknowledgement: 曉霖老師、琇寶老師、美慧老師。

第______組 評分者___________________________________________  □自評 □評第____組

作文評分標準: 打ˇ即得一分,扣分請寫數字

內容 5

□ 主題清楚: 故事細節和鋪陳都和主題相關,共同發展一個故事線,沒有不必要的劇情和描述

□ 劇情合理: 故事完整,結局合邏輯不無俚頭

□ 描述生動: 避免流水帳,適時加入對話、譬喻、誇飾、創意、觀察或想像力使故事生動,並對


□ 交代圖片: 圖片中的細節都交代清楚到,每個圖的描述行數不要差距太多


(-    ) N 離題 (文章圖片不太相關、寫錯順序、不是故事) (– 5以上)

組織 3

□ 符合故事的結構: 有開頭、發展、結尾,每段段落分明

□ 連貫: 句子通順好讀,每句間邏輯連貫,譬如使用代名詞或so, this使文字精簡不重複並環環相扣 (EX. He told me so.) ( She talked loudly in class and this always irritated her teachers.)

□ 善用轉承語和時間副詞: 在故事中這些副詞使時間和語意轉折清楚明白

文法/句構 4

□ 全文三個以下文法錯誤

(-    )N 錯三個以上每個錯誤(-1)

(-    )N 該使用過去沒用過去式動詞或過去式用法錯誤 (- 3)

(-    )N 現在式第三人稱單數動詞沒有+ -s ( -3)

(-    )N 完整句子之間沒有連接詞沒有打句點 (-3)

□ 文句結構富變化(譬如使用分詞構句、分裂句)並用法正確適當

□ 不過度或不當使用太多長句或冷門(倒裝)用法

□ 長短句交叉,文字有節奏感

字彙/拼字 4

□ 選字精確、得宜

□ 無拼字錯誤

□ 詞彙豐富優美: 多使用高中程度的字彙

□ 避免通篇為太過口語的描述、獨白和用字,不用太多驚嘆號

體例 1    (□ 字跡端正,大小適中,版面賞心悅目:不列入此活動)

□    格式、標點、大小寫幾無錯誤(每段前面空兩格, 逗點請清楚, 並緊鄰子母的右下方…)

作文得分: þ___________ – N___________ = ___________

其他加減分 (以下自評組才要寫)——————————————————-

  1. 一人遲到-1: ________________________遲到扣_____分
  2. 猜對(±1)別組分數+1:猜對第_______________組分數加______分
