Some Windows XP Tools ...


  • ATF Cleaner
  • CCleaner
  • ComboFix
  • EFix
  • SmtDel
  • XDelBox
  • Recuva
  • HiJackThis -
    HijackThis opens you a possibility to find and fix nasty entries on your computer easier.

    Therefore it will scan special parts in the registry and on your harddisk and compare them with the default settings. If there is some abnormality detected on your computer HijackThis will save them into a logfile. In order to find out what entries are nasty and what are installed by the user, you need some background information.

    A logfile is not so easy to analyze. Even for an advanced computer user. With the help of this automatic analyzer you are able to get some additional support. Just paste your complete logfile into the textbox at the bottom of this page.
    Due to a few misunderstandings, I just want to make it clear that this site provides only an online analysis, and not HijackThis the program. (引用自:
  • Dr.Web CureIt! -
    Dr.Web 釋出的掃毒工具,掃描功能可用來偵測、刪除威脅,甚至用於感染解毒。此程式不用安裝,每次使用時,建議上網抓取最新版本。每次下載時,為了避免病毒軟體以檔名偵測的方式阻擋其下載或執行,檔案會以隨機文字出現。
  • NoName PE - NoName Team
    這是一個電腦維修工程師常帶在身邊的 PE 開機光碟。
  • UBUNTU -
    這是一個可以使用光碟開機的系統,具有能讀寫 NTFS 檔案系統的能力。因此,它也可以用來做為一個乾淨的開機來源,用來在開機後處理刪除 Windows 病毒的檔案。
Last update: 2017-02-21